Paris, France
Awarded UCI Bike City status in 2019
Doubled number of cycle lanes from 700km to 1-400km (by 2020), €150m invested in cycling infrastructure
The Union Cycliste Internationale awarded the emirate the prestigious label to recognise its persistent commitment to UCI's Cycling for All strategy. The strategy aims to promote cycling as a healthy everyday activity, a more sustainable means of transport, and a competitive sport for amateurs and professionals.
19 cities and regions worldwide recognised for diverse initiatives to promote cycling and encourage participation
Awarded UCI Bike City status in 2019
Doubled number of cycle lanes from 700km to 1-400km (by 2020), €150m invested in cycling infrastructure
Awarded UCI Bike City status in 2018
Cycling is now the fastest growing mode of transport in the city – rising from 4% in 2013 to 7% in 2016
Awarded UCI Bike City status in 2017
Region now has 62 bike libraries and 28 donation stations, offering county-wide free access to bikes
Awarded UCI Bike City status in 2019
Aims to create 400km bicycle track network by 2025. Over 12% of city roads are 20mph zones for cyclists
Awarded UCI Bike City status in 2016
Introduced training programme that teaches safe cycling to hundreds of children per year
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2008
Residents cycle an estimated 1.44 million kilometres daily, with 49% of all trips to work or school made by bike
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2016
The province is investing in new cycle routes, including a ‘Fietssnelweg’ (‘Cycle Highway’) between its major cities, as well as improvements to cycle routes to schools
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2016
Home to major cycling events, including the Amstel Gold Race and Amstel Gold Race Ladies. Over 50 cycling competitions take place in the province each year
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2017
The Island of Fyn boasts over 1,200km of cycle paths on the island and its wider archipelago. ‘Cycle School’ and ‘Schoolyard Cycling’ initiatives encourage a culture of cycling among children
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2017
The tourist bicycle network in Gelderland spans some 6,000 kilometres, and more than 90% of the province’s 1,200 km of provincial roads have a separate cycling infrastructure
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2017
Three different projects have improved bike lanes and bicycle junctions in the city, while special programmes including bike lessons and exams have been organised by schools in cooperation with the local police force
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2017
A region with a robust legacy and commitment to cycling, Woensdrecht also launched a Quality Cycling project in place to promote physical activity among the elderly, disabled and low-income communities
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2018
Over 400km of bicycle lanes are in existence, enhancing intramodality between public transport and cycling. School children across the region benefit from cycling education programmes
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2018
The city of Innsbruck counts 130km of cycle paths, and the region of Tirol 800km. The promotion of long-distance cycle-paths is a priority, with new bridges constructed to improve connections for cyclists
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2021
Comprehensive network of bicycle infrastructure, including a 160km paved trail network with on-street connections to points of interest and residential areas
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2021
The network of cycling highways in Flanders includes 119 individual routes and a total of 2,650 km, while Flanders residents use the bike for 16% of daily trips
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2021
Host of the BMX World Championship, Sakarya MTB Cup and Mountain Bike Marathon Series, Sakarya Province boasts over 145 cycle routes to explore
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2021
Italian bikeland featuring 300km of cycling paths, two bike parks with skill parks and pump tracks available for children, and a budget dedicated to off-road cycling, infrastructures and cycling initiatives
Awarded UCI Bike City label in 2021
Commitment to an additional 50k of on-road routes and 35km of off-road trails, connecting missing links for commuter travel, and launching a Ride Nation school